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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  September 18, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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217 years ago today. and now you know the news as x reports this saturday, september 18, 2010. i'm julie banderas. thanks for watching, everyone. meet back here tomorrow, same time, same place. time, same place. shall we? captioned by closed captioning services, inc ♪ ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ applause ] >> mike: thank you very much. what a great audience we have here today. and welcome to "huckabee" from the fox news studios in new york city. once dismissed by nancy pelosi as astroturf, the tea party is a force to be reckoned with. tonight, nevada senate candidate sharron angle running against harry reid in one of the high-profile races in the mid-term elections is with us. [ applause ]
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also, we have super bowl winner and m.v.p. quarterback kurt warner. a star on the field, but can he dance with the stars on the dance floor? we'll find out. plus, actress and activist jeanine turner with us and has the winner of the the constituting america with us and much on tonight's show. we're glad you're here, joining the great audience from new york. [ applause ] the polls are showing that it's looking more and more likely that republicans will take control of the house in the mid-term elections. if democrats lose the majority, nancy pelosi is going to step down as house speaker. the party is going to have to plan for a return to the future without california congresswoman nancy pelosi, as their leader. but i wonder, how would the rest of america, and for that matter, the rest of the world react if nancy pelosi was
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forced to give up her powerful post? here is a preview. let's watch. ♪ ♪ ♪ the hills are alive with the sound of music ♪ >> ♪ that's the way it should be ♪ ♪ wahoo ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> mike: and that's the way that people all over america and the world just might react to the elections this year. by the way, i was down in mississippi this week. one of about eight states i've been in this week. a candidate for congress handed me a hat. i liked it a lot. i wanted to show it to you. i thought it was perfect. for some of us this would be
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one we would be proud to wear all over manhattan and the rest of the country. i'm going to sign it and give it to an audience member later in the show. well, the elites of the republican establishment and the insider d.c. pundits have been in an snit this week about the stunning election of christine o'donnell in delaware for the g.o.p. senate nomination. that coupled with primary victory of joe milner alaska, rand paul in kentucky, marco rubio in florida. those are candidates i personally endorse, as well as sharron angle of nevada who you will see in a moment, it's a gut-punch for the king makers and movers and shakers used to deciding the choice and making sure we were served from a menu of carefully pedigreed politician who have the right connections, went to the right ivy league schools, had the right kind of look and came with and from the right kind of big money. the beauty of the political uprising in the country, whether you call it the tea party or something else, is
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that it's exactly what the founders had in mind. that the people are still the bosses and can change the government when it ceases to serve and starts to enslave. having been on receiving end of much of the contentious who does he think he is attitude when i ran for office, i'm thrilled to see the we're not going to take it anymore attitude take route. it might get a bit messy at times. but it's necessary all the same. now, i'll admit to you, i'm a little more catfish than caviar. more sam's club than country club. more church pew than box seat at the opera, more bass boat than yacht and more comfortable at sears than saks fifth avenue. but people who just want piece for their american family no longer will sit at the back of bus or stand and wait at political lunch counters. we have seen the mess created by those who are supposed to be smarter and more
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experienced and we have decided we can't afford them anymore. so this election will be a reminder you don't have to be rich or descended from royalty to exercise citizenship to vote and change the government. as to whether some of the new people are prepared, well, frankly most of them have a deeper resume than our current president. as for them going to congress, we couldn't do any worse if we picked out 535 names from the phone book and sent them to washington. well, that's my view. i welcome yours. you can e-mail me at click on the fox news feedback section. that's [ applause ] one of the tightest races in the country, sharron angle is giving harry reid a run for his money. joining me now is the republican candidate for u.s. senate in nevada, sharron ankle. pleasure to have you here. thank you and welcome to the show today. [ applause ] >> thank you, mike.
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honor to be with you. >> mike: you about had a bullseye on your back from the moment you upset the political landscape and the establishment of the republican party and won the nomination. you caught it from the republicans and you really caught it from harry reid who called you every kind of extremist possible. how do you respond to some of those attacks? >> the only response is that harry reid is in a box. he doesn't have anything else that he can say about his record or the economy. he has to say things about me. he's taken saul alinsky playbook of marginalize, isolate and demonize. that's what he is doing. we're just staying focus on the issue, the economy, our jobs and our homes. >> there are several issues that americans are really concerned about. five things that pollsters looked at this last week. the bank bail-out, the car bail-out, the stimulus,
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financial regulation. and obama-care. in all the things with the exception of financial regulation, only the "new york times" editorial board thought they were all great. the american people thought all of them were really, really bad. and yet, you're extreme because you're in sync with most of the american public. i find that interesting, sharron, because those are the views that you took that helped you win the nomination. >> well, certainly this tea party movement is a main stream movement of main stream america. silent majority. they won't be silent any longer. they know the common denominator in all of those policies you just named is that pusher, that promoter, that let's make a deal harry reid. >> mike: you know, there is one of the spots that he has run to attack you. we'll play it. we want you to listen to it. i know you've heard it before. i'd like to give you an opportunity to respond to it. here is harry reid telling everyone in nevada why you should not be the next u.s. senator. let's watch.
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>> what do you call a candidate who says the way things are going, the time may be coming for second amendment remedies? and armed response to our government? who says a teenage rape victim should be forced to have the baby? who proposed scientology massage program for prisoners? and who says that medicare and social security violate the ten commandments? what do you call that candidate? extreme. sharron angle, just too extreme. i'm harry reid and i approve this message. >> mike: when i see spots on this, having been on the receiving end of this stuff in 20 years, my first reaction is not get angry and chuckle. you have dig around and come up with strange contortions to come to these conclusions. but if i were just watching this for the first time, you know, maybe i'd be scared to death of sharron angle. rerespond to this ad and tell me is that reflective of who
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sharron angle is? >> you hit the point here. this man is desperate and telling half-truths. of course, when you tell a half-truth, that's no truth at all. i am pro-life. i am very pro-second amendment. i like to cut costs when i can, especially in programs that the government seems to have a resolving door on, like prison. so all of those things he's told the audience a half-truth and then said that's extreme. to me, the person who cannot tell the whole truth is the one who is extreme and very desperate. >> mike: so, you're not really worried -- i mean you have answers to each of those things that he has thrown at you. but you have done counter punching. not that you're just laying down and taking it. i want to show the viewers an ad you are running in nevada that gives a picture of harry reid. here is that spot. >> harry reid is sneaking across the border, putting
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americans' safety and jobs at risk. what does harry reid do? comes out opposed to arizona tough new immigration law. nevada family struggling with the nation's highest unemployment. harry reid votes to give special tax breaks to illegal aliens. and to give illegal social security benefits. even for the time they were here illegally. harry reid, the best friend an illegal alien ever had. [ laughter ] >> mike: so that is a pretty good counterpunch. we asked senator reid to come on and defend himself. he declined the invitation. you ran that ad. what kind of response are you getting to your campaign against harry reid, the majority leader in the senate? >> people want someone to tell the truth, someone they can trust. we have been telling the truth about the economy. a lot of the impact we've seen in the economy in nevada is the problem we have with enforcing the laws and securing our borders.
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harry reid is chief among those that will not do that. in 2006, he voted for all of those things that we put on the ad. more egregiously, he agreed with the president when the president sued arizona over their law. then he's come out hiding this dream act in the defense bill. the man is incorrigible when it comes to hurting our economy. as you pointed out, stimulus, bail-out, obama-care, everything that harry reid has done has hurt nevada. we have the highest unemployment rate, the highest mortgage foreclosure rate. the highest rate of bankruptcy in the nation. we're just saying stop doing more, harry reid. we can't afford you. >> mike: sharron, thank you for being with us today. pleasure to visit with you. i hope we get a chance to visit again soon. >> thank you so much. [ applause ] >> mike: coming up, senior
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political analyst for the "washington examine canner" michael barron will break down the all-important senate race. stay with us. [ male annouer ] the u.s. gornment may soon require brake override technogy on all new cs and trucks. at nissan, wehink this is a good idea. so we did it... ...six years ago. [ wind howling ] nissan. innovation for safety. innovation for all. nissan. so, we set out to discover the nutritiol science at purina one, we want your cat to be as healthy as possible
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>> mike: before the break, we spoke to sharron angle in a toss-up race with four-term senator harry reid. why is the tea party candidate presenting a challenge to the man who held the seat for 24 years? let's ask can michael barron, political analyst for the "washington examiner" and fox news contributor. michael, i want to ask you, give us a reaction to sharron angle's comments and what she said to me a moment ago? >> governor, she is obviously not the smoothest candidate out there. but she is making some arguments against harry reid that have really resonated with the voters inness -- voters in nevada and nationally. mr. reid is the leader of the democratic party in the senate and he supported all
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of those moves and he's now in the position of having supported a lot of policies that are unpopular. and they have not produced good economic results that the president and his economic advisors predicted. >> mike: we have a map that highlighted state of tea party candidates and we want to zero in on nevada. tell us which of the counties does a candidate have to win there to win the senate seat? >> julie: nevada is a state in the middle of the desert. the key county is clark county. that includes las vegas and rapidly growing su push of north las vegas, and henderson. harry reid hometown of search light. 70% of the population of the state. it has the highest foreclosure rates in the nation. that's really where shareron angle has to get across. it will be a test of the
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decentralized tea party movement, not just one place. political reporters can't call headquarters and get the boss of this. a lot of people in tandem with each other. making contact with new media. can they be effective in a metro area like las vegas with nearly 2 million people out there in the desert? i think that's a big question. she got 38% of the vote there in the primary, compared to 40% statewide. she is not from las vegas. so that will be the big challenge for her. >> mike: harry reid has been in close races before. this is not new to him. in 1998, the race with john inson, that was close. how close was that? do you see this shaping up as something similar? >> the 1998 race against congressman inson was a one-tenth of 1% race. it was after harry reid had been in the senate for 12 years. interestingly, mr. reid lost a close race to the senate in
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1974 to republican paul exo. back then, harry reid's problem was a lot of new people coming to nevada. many of them hadn't heard of him. hard to get your record across. mr. ension has support from the casino interest and gaming industry of which his family is an important part. mr. enson won the 2000 race for open senate seat in nevada. so the two of them are colleagues. harry reid's problem this year, governor, i think is not so much that there is a lot of new people that don't know him. polling shows that he's very well known, that his record is known. his problem is the position on public policy are unpopular with the majority of nevadaens. this is a state that voted 55% for barack obama. not a state that seems in the mood to support the democrats' proposals. that's why we see harry reid with the negative ads. he figures the only way to win is to say the other
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candidate is even worse. >> mike: he is demonizing sharron angle. you mentioned a little rough around the edges. don't you think american public are happy about the people who aren't so slick and aren't so well-developed they might have well stepped out of a consultant's parlor carefully crafted and made by plastic manufacturers? >> i guess you're talking about former senator john edwards, but i'll leave that aside. [ laughter ] >> mike: that's the zinger of the day, michael. you got it. >> well, governor, you come from the town of hope, arkansas, where president clinton was born. there is something in the water that makes you guys really articulate. but, you know, the fact is it's kind of a tradeoff here i think, mike. on the one hand, yes, we do like to see people who seem authentic and who seem to understand the life that ordinary people have, that seem to be motivated by convictions and not just personal calculation. we like to see that.
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on the other hand, the edges may be too rough and they say they can't afford this. or they say the views are strange and not comfortable it with. >> mike: who do you think wins this? >> i bet on sharron angle. >> mike: i'm not a betting man and i can't afford to lose $1,000 but we'll hold you to that and see how it turns out. thank you. good to have you here. [ applause ] >> mike: everyone seems to be talking about the mid-term elections but that doesn't mean that everybody is going to be voting in the elections. coming up, why the i won't vote crowd is out there. and what they are saying. look at their e-mails when we come back. [ male announcer ] this is steven, a busy man. his day starts with his arthritis pain. that's breakfast with two pills. the morning is over, it's time for two more pills. the day marches on, back to more pills.
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>> mike: each weekday you can hear news and commentary on "huckabee report" heard on 600 of america finest radio stations. go to my website for the station near you. you can hear past programs or sign up for the daily podcast. well, i think you know we're hitting the home stretch right toward the mid-term elections. judging by the polls, majority of the country is simply not happy with the current leadership on capitol hill. even though you have the power to change that, do you realize there are still a lot of americans who say they have no intention of voting? we wanted to find out from those of you who aren't going to be heading to the voting booth, why, why aren't you going to go vote? our producers, kailey and megan have some of the e-mails. we're going to let them share with us. so megan, you have the first one. these are people who aren't going to vo. why not? >> thomas from indiana writes, "i'm nearly 60 years old and i have voted all my life. considering throwing in the towel on it now forever. since the '70s, i have always
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been disappointed with the choices after they took office." >> mike: gee, thomas, i'm disappointed in a lot of choices they make, too but it doesn't mean we shouldn't vote. i encourage you to realize the choices get worse if people like you don't vote. so, please don't give up. voting is the best way to get rid of the bomb. get rid of the bomb and get new bombs. they can't be worse than the old bums. kailey, see what you've got. >> bruce from california, "i'm a conservative living in california, outnumbered by the liberal democrats 10-1. it seems like my vote just does not count." >> mike: wow, bruce. in california, it may not. kidding! california has history, they have elected arnold schwarzenegger and pete wilson. parts of california, orange county, san diego, duncan hunter served that district for a long time.
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there are a number of republicans who get elected in california. your vote matters. if you want to encourage more republicans to run, even if the republican in your district doesn't win, the more votes that they get in an election will encourage others to give it a shot. if republicans only get 15, 20% of the vote or 30% they may decide it's not worth the effort. never give up, because in a year like this, everything is sort of on the line. megan? >> "i stopped voting due to jury duty harassment." >> mike: nothing i can help you with there. if you don't want to serve on a jury, don't register to vote because you might have to. >> voting this november would be like trying to decide between remarrying your first ex-wife or your second. [ laughter ] >> mike: oh!
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what can one say to that? maybe you're better at picking candidates than wives. that didn't go so well for you. it's not as complicated giving rid of a politician than an ex-wife. that's one thing to encourage you to vote. if there is anything that i hope people will remember, i want to sum up the time and thanks for all the e-mails we've had. more than we could ever get to. here is something that i want to remind you of. if you don't vote, you said whatever the politicians do, fine with me. i've often gone to school and get in front of a group of student. they didn't want to hear a politician talk. i say how many of you don't care about politics. they kind of ahh. great. good news for me. they were what? it's great news. i'm so happy to hear you don't care and you're not going to vote because i was thinking about maybe putting a bill in the legislature that would raise the age of drivering to 25. the age at which you could go out on a date to 28. you'd have to have a signed permission from your parents
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to do it. are you guys okay with that? well, of course, they're coming out of their desk that point saying you can't do that. actually, we can. we can unless voters won't let us. actually, the people don't really determine the political future of the country. voters do. only voters ultimately matter. that's why if you are not a voter, you basically said to the politician tax me any rate you want to. restrict me any way you want. if you are a voter, you really still do control the ultimate string of control. i hope that you won't be one of those folks who say why you won't vote. you will be one that say nothing will keep you from the ballot box if you have to crawl through broken glass to get to the polling place that you will go vote. now if you want to tell us why you will or won't vote, go to put your name, city and state. we'll try to find out why people will or won't vote.
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hope the hear from you. one of the head of the largest organization of the country, focus on the family is with us. we'll be right back. ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outbacalways gets us there... ... sotimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪
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and still pay th mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. from america's news headquarters, hello, everyone. i'm julie banderas. folks in bermuda getting ready for hurricane igor. that's what the powerful category two storm looks like from space. as it bears down on the ribbean island. the public safety minister saying igor is expected to be a long and punishing storm with great potential for injury and physical damage. i gor is expected to pass over bermuda today, tomorrow or early monday with tropical storm force winds beginning tonight. pope benedict celebrating mass in london hyde park. estimated 80,000 people in attendance. earlier benedict met with five people who were molested by priests as children. it was his latest effort to diffuse the sex abuse crisis
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shaking the church. thousands not satisfied with the vatican response. i'm julie banderas. now back to "huckabee." >> announcer: if you'd like to comment on tonight's show, e-mail us at >> mike: remember the pro-life super bowl commercial with tim tebow and his mother? it caused controversy. the ad was sponsored by the christian grassroot organization focus on the family. a group that has been in the cross hairs of the left for decades. joining me now, the president and chief executive officer of focus on the family and author of a brand new wonderful book called "stronger." jim daily. good to have you with us. [ applause ] >> governor, good to be here. thank you. >> mike: you think the role of focus in the family, there has been evolution over the course of the years. it started out as basically helping parents with discipline issues. it got very involved in trying to encourage christian
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people to get in the political process. where is focus on the family now in relationship to involvement in some of the civic affairs? >> sure, we will stay true to principles because we believe in them. the christian community needs to be engaged for reason you talked about earlier. this is a democracy. and so we have a place at the table. i think the other thing, though, we want to emphasize is the importance of family. i think unfortunately in this country, we're losing our grip on understanding the importance of family. so, it's odd that it would be controversial that we would stand in the public square and say you know what? husbands, wives, love each other and raise kids in a solid way. for that, we get criticism. >> mike: it sounds so controversial, that you should encourage families to stay together and people to raise their kids and do it with honor and integrity. but that seems to have been very controversial. you know, in your book, and it's a challenging book, the book is called "stronger." i have a copy of it here. one thing that you bring out is sometimes it's the challenging of our life, the tough things in our life that
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make us stronger. you had an encounter with some missionaries to china that really shook you. i want you to tell me about that. >> it was the late '90s. beijing. national chinese missionaries. they dropped me off at the airport and they said we'll be praying for you in america. rather than turned and say thank you, i said how do you pray for us? they looked like their hands were caught in a cookie jar. they said we're praying for greater persecution for the church because from where we sit you seem very weak. i thought about it all the way home on the flight. they're accurate to a certain degree. we in america with the affluence and the things we've lessened our dependence on god. that creates problems for us. hard times is where you find your dependence on god and build character. >> mike: one thing that made you stronger was a tough
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childhood. not easy for you. they look at you now and president of the largest christian ministry in the world but it wasn't like that when you started. recap what life was like for jim daly as a kid. >> i came from a broken home. my mom and dad divorced when i was five. my dad was an alcoholic. my mom remarried three years later to a gentleman hank. i nicknamed him "hank the tank." exmilitary drill sergeant, a great guy for a stepfather. in a year, my mom had cancer. it didn't realize it. she died. i went in foster care and my stepdad walked out on us. >> mike: walked out in your mom's funeral. >> the very day. >> mike: you came home from your mother's funeral and he cleared the stuff. >> cleared the house and came out with his bags passed and said i have to leave. the stress is too big. i've never talked to that man again since that day when i was 9-1/2 years old. i went into foster care. horrible situation. not all foster care is bad, but that one was horrible. my dad, i reconnected and lived with him for a year and
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he died and i ended up going to high school with my brother. there is no silver spoon in this. i find it ironic that god in my opinion, my faith said i'll let you run a christian organization that's all about family. the reason for that is so many families represented in my story. brokenness in today's homes in america. that gives me passion to write "stronger" and encourage people, don't trust in your circumstances. especially those of us calling ourselves christian. the joy in the lord is different from the immediate circumstances. if you lost your job or there is a problem, draw closer to god because he is there to draw closer to you. >> mike: it's evident you found spiritual qualities to make you stronger though a lot of tough steps to get there. jim daly, thank you. appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> mike: thank you so much. [ applause ] the book is called "stronger." i hope you will read it. i will make you stronger.
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he once quarterbacked the greater show on turf. now he's "dancing with the stars." kurt warner joins us next. playing ) ♪ can't help it, can't help it ♪ ♪ can't help it, no no no... ♪ come on. ♪ can't help it, can't help it, no no no ♪
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joining us from the dance studio where he has been practicing his moving is kurt warner. welcome. it's good to have you here. [ applause [ applause ] >> thank you very much good. to be on. >> mike: you know, i understand that your wife and children are big fans of "dancing with the stars." and they kind of talked you into this. so did they prod you a little bit? >> they did. they are huge fans. they watch every week, every season and try to get me, pull me in to watch the show as well. we've enjoyed it as a family. when the opportunity came about, they were extremely excited. they didn't want dad to embarrass them on tv but they wanted to take part in the show and watch it and watch dad to see if he can do anything op the dance floor. they pushed me. >> mike: are you a dancer? have you done it before?
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>> this is different than anything i've done before. it danced a little bit here and there. my wife and i met two-stepping and all of that. this is different than i've done before. look forward to monday night to see what i can do. >> mike: what is tougher? quarterbacking in the n.f.l. or preparing for "dancing with the stars"? athletically speaking, which one is demanding? >> athletically speaking, preparing for football is difficult but playing the quarterback may not be more physically as difficult because we play mentally. but it's strenuous to do the ballroom dancing thing.
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we're in the studio working out every day. this is a different workout than i had on the football field. >> mike: you said being quarterback isn't physically demanding i have seen the licks you've taken there in the pocket to pass. sometimes presenting itself for a concussion. i'm not sure some of us would look at this and say it's not that tough. it's doggone tough what you have been out there experiencing. i want to ask about your family. i'm thrilled to hear your story. yours is one of the great american stories. you were working at a grocery store in iowa, stacking shelves. a few years later you're the most valuable player in the super bowl and n.f.l. how do you get from sacking groceries to the most valuable player in the n.f.l.? >> you have to believe in
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yourself and a lot of work goes into it. god has a plan. i didn't play out like i thought it would. i thought i'd go from college to the n.f.l. and everything would be great. but what i've seen through the process is guys used all these different steps to really give me a story. give me a testimony that can impact a lot of people. we have been in the situations where it seems like we're down and out and it doesn't seem like there is much hope. my story is one if you have faith in yourself and faith in god. amazing what can happen. i've seen that process. i've tried to use that to show people hey, god can do amazing things. even though you might not feel you're that amazing. that's what i feel about my story. took a little guy stocking shelves in a grocery store in iowa. and, you know, he gave me an opportunity to play in the n.f.l. and gave me a big platform to be able to share who he is, what i'm all about with a lot of people. i know i'm blessed every day and i'm thankful for the way the story played out. a lot of people can relate to
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it very much. >> mike: well, you know, one of the things we all can relate to is that you have been faithful to your calling. a person, kurt, that never has flinched or hesitated to give a very clear testimony of your own faith. and the importance that the lord's played in your life. for that, i'm extremely grateful. so many times people get to a point they get really big and forget how they got there. you've never done that. i'm just grateful to you and i wish you the best. i'm going to be pulling for you to be the winner on "dancing with the stars." i would like nothing better. my best to brenda and your family. god bless you. have a great time. have some fun out there. >> well, thanks a lot. i'm looking forward to it. i hope everybody out there and your tv land will vote or follow me on twitter. kurt13warner. i'm going to need a lot of help. i'm not great at the dancing thing. i appreciate all your support and everybody else out there that will support me along the way. >> mike: we're going to sure do it, kurt. kurt warner, thank you very much for being a part of our show today.
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[ applause ] >> mike: friday was constitution day. the constitution was signed 223 years ago. actress and activist janine turner helped thousands of students learn more about today and its meaning. she joins us next with the winner of her constituting america contest. we'll be right back. ay. mine to. i'm chef michael, and i love to delight bailey's senses. don't i? [ barks ] because i think food speaks a language of love. that's what inspired me to rethink dry dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. [ chef michael ] mmm. tender shredded pieces made with real meat... and crunchy garnishes to enhance the mealtime experience. yes, bailey-- just for you. [ barks ] [ female announcer ] chef inspired, dog desired. chef michael's canine creations. and the 60-day handshake lives on, that five-finger bond that communicates trust,
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honor, follow-through, and follow-up. it's a promise that says go ahead and buy a ram 1500 or a heavy duty without a payment for 60 days. and if it doesn't do everything you ask it to do... bring it back. ram.
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>> mike: well, she is on a mission to challenge and inspire students to learn the constitution. and has been spending the past few months educating herself in that cause by running a contest that promotes learning and creativity. on friday, she was in philadelphia to celebrate constitution day by announcing the winners. please welcome back to the show, janine turner and 17-year-old jacob wood from ventura, california, winner
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of the best high school song. [ applause ] janine, welcome back. it's so good to see you. >> thank you. good to see you. >> mike: what is a thing that you feel like is happening with students like jacob? what are they learning about the constitution that they didn't know but need to know as american citizens? >> well, first of all, it's knowing it. so many kids, the constitution, huh? what? that's what worried me. i said wait a minute, we like to say the documentary we filmed on the websites about the kids, they're today's culture patriots and tomorrow's heroic leaders. if the children don't know about the constitution, they don't know their rights, they won't know when the rights are usurped from them. it's important they have the knowledge. what i learned is there are a lot of great kids out there, and with wonderful parents who want to encourage their children to learn about the constitution and are supporting them. i'm glad we can do it in their medium. music and short films and things like that. >> mike: jacob, i think the song is great. i told you this before we started but i want you to know it's great lyrically and
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musically. you're 17 years old. one day are we going to see you getting your grammy award saying it started when i was on the "huckabee" show? [ laughter ] >> first of all, i'd have to say it started from janine. >> ahhh. >> that would be cool some day getting a grammy. i don't know how reasonable that is but i enjoy playing music. i remember my mom running over to me with a scholarship opportunity to write the song. i was all for it. i did it and i ended up winning which is awesome. a great blessing and a lot of fun. i'm honored to be able to do this with janine and all that. >> mike: well, i think very clearly after people hear the song, there is a good chance that some agent out there says i want to sign him, some producer would like to record him. and some college president would like to offer him a scholarship to come to the school to study music. just putting a hint in there. let's do a song called, "what the constitution means to me," written and performed
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today by jacob wood, accompanied by the little rockers. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we, the people of the united states ♪ ♪ in order to form a more perfect union ♪ . ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> thank you! >> mike: jacob wood. the song is called "what the constitution means to me." hope you've had a great time tonight. we've loved having you with us. really keep your eyes on this young man and keep your eyes on the constitution. because if we don't, i'm not sure who will. thank you, janine turner, and all you're doing for our
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constitution. and reminding us of how important it is to know it, love it and live it. until next week from new york. this is mike huckabee from the fox news studios. good night, and god bles, good night, and god bles, everybody. captioned by closed captioning services, inc i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outbacalways gets us there...
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... sotimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ ♪
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